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Merry Christmas... Don't read if you're looking for any advice :)

I last wrote a blog a while ago. There have been too many distractions at the shop and in my personal life. It has drained any creativity I have. There's no connecting the dots between my personal life stories and the lessons I have learned running a small business. Right now, I have no lessons and no advice to share. I'm exhausted. All I can offer is solidarity and the knowledge that if you're feeling depressed, guilty, anxious, etc., you're not alone.

When I discuss this with my husband, he loves to talk about my "why". He loves drilling Simon Sinek's "Start With Why" theory into my head. I don't know if he thinks it'll eventually sink in or what his intentions are. You need to know your why to be successful and strive for your business to grow, but what about some advice on just surviving the day! You need a long-term vision! My vision makes it until the end of 2022 right now.

The other subject we love to discuss, or I love to discuss with my husband, is my lack of time to get things done. Especially when I was doing all the social media stuff, there was no time for anything else. He loved to tell me to use the 80/20 rule. I still can't even explain what the 80/20 rule even means. It sounds like math, and that's where my brain shuts off. Although I'm pretty sure reading Christmas flyers while I'm supposed to be writing this blog isn't a part of the 80/20 rule.

This is all good advice. I'll have him write a blog post explaining it all some time. He is exceptionally talented at applying principles he's learned to his day-to-day life. As I said before, my brain is in a rut. It's retained too much information this year and is taking a break.

So, I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year! I hope we all get a well-deserved break.

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